
My daughter Wendy told me about OralMd. She had found OralMD when searching on the internet to find something to help the chronic canker sores inside her mouth . . . whenever she would bite the inside of her mouth it would turn into a painfull sore. After she had been using OralMd for a short time the sores no longer materialized, her gums improved and she got a glowing report from her dentist about the lack of plaque on her teeth. It was after the dentist appointment that she felt confident enough about the product to recommend it. I have experienced the same results. It’s true that the “stout” nature of the product was a bit off-putting at first, but after several weeks it’s a pleasant and refreshing taste that I look forward to. This is a product that I can now confidently recommend.

Gloria Davis, Jacksonville, FL

The testimonials above are genuine and have not been changed for grammar, punctuation or spelling. These testimonials were edited to comply with FDA Regulations. These experiences should not be construed as the typical.