Most people, if asked what they think of when you say, “oral hygiene”, will answer with something along the lines of preventing cavities. Not to discount the importance of cavity prevention, but there are other signs to look for that can have far worse consequences. A sign such as sore gums can point to numerous different conditions that can ultimately end in tooth loss if not caught and treated soon enough.
Among Americans age 35 and older, more than 75% of them have, have had, or will have some form of gum disease or oral infection. In most cases, this is the end result of poor dental hygiene. The real object of brushing your teeth daily is to remove plaque that forms as bacteria in the mouth combine with dietary sugars and food particles. At first glance, plaque doesn’t seem like such a big deal. However, if left unchecked it will eventually harden into what is called tarter, and that is what leads to further complications. Tarter can stretch beyond what’s visible, and continue past the gum line and all the way to the root of the tooth. This can cause separation of the gums and teeth, and allow more bacteria and plaque access to your sensitive tissues and even your blood stream.
In most cases, it is best to be diligent from the start, because there can often be no pain associated with gum disease. Once it becomes more severe, the infection and swelling can cause soreness and in some cases, severe pain. Generally speaking, correcting your oral hygiene plan will help remedy these effects. It’s possible to reverse the condition completely if it’s caught early enough. More often than not, natural remedies without harsh chemical additives yield the best results. Recent research and testing has prompted the FDA to approve peppermint oil for use in pain relief, one of its natural properties. Peppermint has long been used to help stimulate the saliva glands to aid in digestion, but another distinct advantage of having higher saliva production is that it is highly concentrated in oxygen, harmful bacteria’s natural enemy.
The most important thing to remember is that even though it may seem hard to believe, traditional oral care products like toothpaste and mouthwash can make these painful conditions worse because of the chemicals they often contain. Chemical detergents and alcohol dry the mouth and increase bacteria growth, which in turn can cause more inflammation, swelling, and pain.
Did it ever occur to you that the least expensive and least painful option might be found in nature? Why not try a great product that provides natural relief?