
I have been using OraMD for about three months and I love the product. I have lots of crowns and bridges and always dreaded going for my dental cleaning and checkups because of the pockets around my crowns,as well as my bleeding gums.

This product does excatly what it says it will do and lots more! My gums are pink and healthy and I do not have bleeding gums when I floss and brush.

Everyone should try this product…what do you have to loose? You will be so amazed with the results you get…healty gums, clean teeth, and great breath…just to name a few.
Now I don’t dread my dental checkups and am anxious to see what my hygenist has to say on my next visit.I will never be without OraMD!!!

Ruth S., Bristol, TN

The testimonials above are genuine and have not been changed for grammar, punctuation or spelling. These testimonials were edited to comply with FDA Regulations. These experiences should not be construed as the typical.