Ask any dentist what they recommend in a good oral hygiene plan and they will undoubtedly tell you that brushing, flossing, and using a mouthwash or rinse are the key components. Depending on what exactly you may be trying to prevent or remedy, careful consideration should be paid to what products you use to carry out your dental care regimen. There are some troubling side effects for many commercial mouthwashes, which makes using a natural mouthwash such an attractive alternative.
The top adversary to oral health is bacteria. Your mouth produces hundreds of types of them, and while some are beneficial in processes like breaking down food particles, there are a number of them that can cause severe damage if left unchecked. These harmful bacteria, called anaerobic (literally translating to “without air”), combine with sugars in the mouth to form the sticky, white substance called plaque. If it isn’t removed by brushing or rinsing, plaque will harden into what is known as tartar, or calculus. This hardened form of plaque can only be removed by a dental professional scraping it away, and if it is not removed in a timely manner it will eventually drive a wedge between the tooth and gum line that will allow further bacteria direct access to the roots of your teeth, and possibly even your bloodstream.
The problem in how this relates to mouthwash is that many of the brand name products you see in stores use alcohol as the active ingredient to kill bacteria, and while it’s effective in doing so, it also leaves the mouth dry and more prone to bacteria growth. In a sense, it is a product designed to fix a problem that it creates. Although this will ensure that consumers will keep coming back and buying the product, it doesn’t go very far to correct the issue at hand. When the mouth is dry and there is less saliva present, it also means that there will be less oxygen as saliva is highly concentrated in it. This creates the perfect breeding ground for the harmful forms of bacteria to flourish.
Another common mouthwash ingredient is benzoic acid, also used to eliminate bacteria. This additive however, has much more severe implications with use than drying the mouth and allowing more bacteria to grow. Benzoic acid can cause skin irritation, whether on the outside surface of the skin or on the tissues in the mouth. If swallowed, it can cause damage to the digestive tract.
Did it ever occur to you that the least expensive and least painful option might be found in using a natural mouthwash? Why not try a great product that provides natural relief?