Dentist Testimonials

OraMD is Offered and Endorsed by Dentists and Dental Hygienists in the USA and Abroad


“I highly recommend OraMD”

“I highly recommend OraMD to anyone looking for a natural toothpaste, mouthwash and breath- freshener. This unique, 3 in 1 oral health care product is anti-bacterial and can help reduce the overall bacterial levels in the mouth – without harmful or toxic side effects. Whether you use it as a liquid toothpaste, mouthwash or breath freshener, what you will get is a very refreshing feeling.”

– Dr. Paul Rubin, Seattle, WA

“My patients love it.”

“Because I’m concerned with every aspect of my patients’ oral health I recommend natural and healthy oral health care products. I recently discovered OraMD and not only do I personally feel it is a great 3 in 1 natural product (liquid tooth paste, mouthwash, and breath freshener) but my patients love it.”

– Dr. Euan Mackie, West Vancouver, British Columbia, CAN

“This is a welcomed and much needed product.”

“I wanted to thank you for such a wonderful product in OraMD. You have provided for a healthy alternative for me to dispense to my patients. They love it and so do I. Not one patient that has tried it doesn’t use and like it but when they return give it an astounding ‘I love it’. As we know that is half the battle in oral health care…getting patients to use the product. With the positive research, great compliance, taste, and healthy alternative to unhealthy, abrasive, toxic over the counter dentifrices – this is a welcomed and much needed product. Thanks again!”

– Dr. Nina Foley, Franklin, TN

“I am ecstatic with the results”

“I have used ORA MD’s liquid drops for the past two years. I am ecstatic with the results, and pleased to recommend it to my friends, as well as to patients.”

– Joyce, Dental Hygienist, Nevada